The Haas-Lilienthal House is proud to join the celebration of International Museum Day by hosting a special
Self-Guided Audio Tour on
Thursday, May 18 from 5 pm - 8 pm.
Free Admission
The audio tour allows visitors to walk through this historic house at their own pace while listening to family stories of life in this Victorian-era home told by descendants of the Haas and Lilienthal families, as well as local experts sharing the fascinating history of San Francisco.
Audio wands & and earbuds will be available upon request.
Visitors are encouraged to bring their own smart device plus earbuds/air pods or headphones to access the audio tour online via a QR code.
IMD 2023 Theme: Sustainability and Well-being. All museums have a role to play in shaping and creating sustainable futures, and they can do this through educational programs, exhibitions, community outreach, and research.
The Haas-Lilienthal House is wheelchair accessible at ground level. Enter through the Tour Entrance. An elevator is available inside for moving between floors. Assistance provided.

In partnership with the California Preservation Foundation,
The Haas-Lilienthal House will celebrate Doors Open California!
Saturday, September 9, (12:00-3:00)
~Free Admission~
Visitors will have the rare opportunity to walk freely through the rooms of the historic Haas-Lilienthal House to enjoy its luxuriant décor and learn about its rich history. Volunteers will be on hand to answer questions and share unique details of this Queen Anne-style home.
Doors Open California is a two-day celebration of architecture and culture featuring more than 65 on-site tours and access to historic places across the state on Saturday and Sunday, September 9 and 10, 2023.
Bring your friends and family to as many of the independently operated sites as you can visit in one weekend, for a flat fee of $20 per person. Through an exclusive partnership with Doors Open, some participating area museums, like the Haas-Lilienthal House, are opening their doors free to the public (no ticket needed).
Learn more and register at: californiapreservation.org/doca/ and follow the hashtag #DOCA23 to see and share visits in real time on September 9th and 10th, 2023. Users who post to the #DOCA23 hashtag will be randomly selected to receive Doors Open merch from the California Preservation Foundation.​
The Haas-Lilienthal House is wheelchair accessible at the ground level. Enter through the Tour Entrance. An elevator is available inside for moving between floors. Assistance provided.